Saturday, December 21, 2013

Think Geek

So it's basic and most geeks know of this sight, they'll most definitely know about it before anyone ever finds this blog, but here it is anyway. it has everything even remotely geek. It's got a bunch of nerd stuff to. So good luck Christmas shopping and remember, geeks are really the easiest people in the world to shop for because we love so many things.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent Children

Okay, so any good video game geek knows what Final Fantasy is. So go watch the movie. And don't just watch the movie get the complete edition because it's got some major add on scenes that just blow your mind. Now you could probably find this in almost any Walmart for like $5 but if for some strange reason you don't leave the house or you don't know what Walmar is then you can buy it for more then you have to on Amazon: There is another Final Fantasy movie in existence, and it's a bit newer , but this is the best out of the two. This movie is stunning to watch, the animation still blows me away every time I watch it and the story makes you want to cry and scream and clap and dance all in the same minute. No matter how many times you watch this movie it's still awesome.